Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Do you want to help us duct tape our principals to the wall, get your teacher a $50 gift card, or win a party for your child’s class?
This Friday, October 14, every student who has brought in a donation to the Capital Campaign will receive a piece of duct tape to help tape Ms. Mavity, Mr. Jones, and Ms. Hardy to the wall. It’s not too late to donate! All donations count. Your child can bring in a donation of $1, $5, $20, $100, or any other amount by Friday and be able to participate. You can send in cash, donate online (, or make a check payable to “East Side Elementary Foundation.” Every class with over 80% participation will receive a $50 gift card to Lakeshore Learning for their teacher. The highest participating class in each grade level will win an ice cream party for the entire class.