Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy Wintery Weather Weekend!

Dear Parents,

We had a great first day back of 2017 yesterday.  As I'm sure you are aware, all Cobb County schools will be dismissing 2 hours early today, due to the threat of inclement weather.  Please note that there will be NO ASP or Enrichment this afternoon!  Please help our school get your child home quickly and safely, but ensuring that your child knows how they are going home this afternoon!

Report cards will be coming home today!  Your child's report card should stay at home with you, but please returned the signed report card envelope unsealed on Monday!

I hope that you all get home safely and quickly, well before any snow/ice arrives.  Then, I hope we all get some fresh, white snow to play in throughout the weekend!

Also, in honor of my Clemson Tigers playing in the National Championship on Monday evening, bonus points to any students who wear ORANGE and/or PURPLE to school on Monday!  By bonus points, I really just mean it will make my heart oh so happy!  Go Tigers!

Mrs. Kidd