Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Night Scoop

Dear Parents,

This evening I e-mailed everyone a copy of your first edition of The Weekly Hoot, our class newsletter!  This is your best way to keep up with what we are learning and working on in class each week!  You will always be able to download a copy from the News You Can Use tab as well!

Please send a small pair of "ear buds" to school with your child to be kept at school this year!  I am asking that each student have a pair of ear buds by this Friday, August 14th.  We will be using these in class this year for different activities we complete on the iPads!

I'm hoping many of you will also be able to attend our Parent Open House this Tuesday, from 6:30-7:30, in our classroom!

I'm looking forward to a GREAT week!

Mrs. Kidd